Staking ‘Beta’ Launches

HubrisOne launches ‘HBRS’ Beta staking rewards program

How can I start Staking?

The HBRS Beta staking program is now available. We’ve designed the program to allow our users and community to benefit from holding HBRS tokens and growing their HBRS holdings in an organic and rewarding way.

In order to stake and receive staking rewards, users will need to initially manually interact with our Ethereum smart contract. Upon release of HubrisOne 2.0, we will be able to integrate the staking program directly within the app.

HBRS holders and users can choose from one of the following staking rewards. Each package comes with a minimum threshold which must be met before the user is allowed to receive the staking reward.

Staking Tutorial:


Minimum threshold: Minimum amount of HBRS tokens and a minimum amount of time you need to commit to the smart contract to stake successfully.

Staking rewards: Percentage of HBRS tokens to be paid to your account based on the staking package selected. Staking rewards are paid immediately however, you cannot claim your staked amount or rewards until after your staking period has expired.

HBRS Smart Contract Address:

Staking Smart Contract Address:

Important information:

  1. In order to be eligible for the stake you select, you must meet the minimum threshold.
  2. Staking rewards are paid immediately when you activate your stake
  3. You will not be able to claim your stake or your reward until after your staking period ends
  4. Leaving your stake in the smart contract over the limit will no grant you further rewards
  5. There is no limit to how many stakes any user can initiate
  6. Staking threshold limits and rewards are subject to change at anytime

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